Song Sung Blue

Pay the Bills Wednesday. Hurray.

I don’t think I’ll ever get old enough to be thrilled about paying bills. It is satisfying to be able to do so and not ever worry about them–oh, those dark days when it was hard to pay the bills, or I didn’t make enough to cover them, or…yeah, let’s not go there. Deeply unpleasant, and why I endlessly empathize with people who struggle financially; been there, done that, no desire to ever go back there, either.

I slept well last night again. We started watching Under the Bridge last night, which we are really enjoying; it dovetails in with the Oklahoma true crime case I am following in real time with some similarities. Paul got home late, so I spent most of the evening sitting in my chair reading The Rival Queens while trying not to get chewed up by a playful kitten with Big Kitten Energy until he got home. I was tired–I gradually grew more tired the longer the work day went on, but since school’s out (thank you, baby Jesus) traffic isn’t nearly as awful on the way home as it usually is. I went uptown and got the mail as well as picked up two prescriptions, and by the time I’d fed Sparky and let him chase the red dot for a while until he got bored with it, I was pretty much done for the day. I did write for a while last night (and am very pleased with what I did write, which is super cool), so that felt pretty good. It’s not coming along very quickly; I’m trying to find the right voice for this section (the story will be told in two similar, but very different, voices) and that’s why it’s taking me longer than usual to get this bit finished. It’s at about 2500-3000 words right now, and I need to add more. It’s still not completely right, nor am I super-satisfied with it–it’ll need to be gone over a few more times–but I am very close, and that’s probably good enough for me to put it aside. I think I am also going to write a synopsis that breaks the book down into the sections I am going to use to tell it–there’s no guarantee I’ll remember the story I have in my head right now, so best to get it down.

I do feel good this morning, like I can get everything done that needs to be done, and that’s always a nice feeling. I am not tired, maybe a little bit out of it and maybe a step slower than I was yesterday morning physically, but mentally I am awake and raring to go. Another cup of coffee will undoubtedly finish the job. I have to pick up the mail and make a grocery run on the way home this afternoon, and then I can relax into my evening. We’ll see how I feel when I get home, but there are chores that will need to be done as well as the usual bonding with Sparky (after he eats; he’s a big fan of food and cuddles after eating). Tomorrow is my last day in the office for the week (I think; there’s a department meeting on Friday but I am not sure if it’s mandatory-in-person or if I can call in from my computer at home–fingers crossed), and I plan to get some things done this weekend around the house. I broke down and ordered a new vacuum cleaner that should arrive today, actually; so I can do the floors. I am still going to try to see if I can fix my current one, and if not, I am throwing both of the old ones–neither of which work very well–out.

Such the exciting life I lead, right?

And today I get to call the IRS–hurray–to check on my return (it was filed almost a month ago, and should have processed already; maybe it was because it was late? I don’t know), and I need to make an eye exam appointment, which means seeing if Costco takes my vision insurance. I’ll be meeting Dad over in Florida later this month, so I’ll need some kind of sunglasses–when I went in October it was so blindingly bright it hurt my eyes–or at least find some clip-ons to go over my glasses; I certainly don’t give a shit if it looks ridiculous or stupid or not, which is one of the great joys of getting old…not giving a shit about what other people think. To quote Bette Davis, “other peoples’ opinions of me are none of my business”–which is great life advice, really. It’s so freeing.

And on that note, I am heading into the spice mines. Have a lovely Wednesday, everyone, and I’ll check in with you again probably later.

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