I’m So Excited

I got my teeth yesterday!

It’s very odd to have teeth again now. I also realized that the lower denture plate feels even stranger not just because I had my bottom teeth all removed after Labor Day (yes, it has been that long), but because even before that, it had been years since I had a full set of bottom teeth. I don’t even remember how long it’s been since I lost my first lower tooth, but I know it was a front one, followed by abscessed molars, which was a horrible experience…that I’ll never have to go through again. I am finished with tooth pain, now and forever. Huzzah in-fucking-deed, y’all.

So, now all that is left to be finished with is the biceps repair and recovery. Huzzah!

It was a cold, gray, drizzly day in New Orleans yesterday; it actually has been all week. This has, of course, helped me to sleep better (as well as not wanting to get up in the morning, because the bed is warm and comfortable–Tug has finally adjusted to the time change too; he now vaults over Paul and lands on me just before the six o’clock alarm rings). It’s a bit chilly, but I’m not complaining, not after that horrendous summer we just suffered through. No, I’ll just grit my teeth and happily put on another layer, thank you very much. I actually kind of like it, because it makes being inside feel more snug and cozy. I do like that feeling, I suppose, despite my aversion to the cold weather.

I stopped and made groceries in Mid-city yesterday, primarily so I could also stop at Five Guys for dinner. I’ve generally not eaten in the evenings after work since the dental procedure–and really hadn’t even before. But oh my God, I was starving all the way home smelling that food in the bag, and yes, it was marvelous, absolutely marvelous. There’s some adjustments to be made and I need to get used to them–they feel a little alien now, as does chewing. I also realized that I’ve not chewed properly in decades, because I’ve been missing teeth for quite some time (which always made me feel like a hillbilly from the holler) so I am glad I no longer have that anxiety and stress about people judging me as “poor white trash” because of my teeth. As I was sitting in my easy chair eating my bacon cheeseburger, I realized I had the sound turned down on the television (hearing aids); could see it clearly (new glasses); and could eat and chew easily (new teeth).


Today is my last day in the office until I return from my surgery. Monday is my pre-surgery get everything ready for a major disruption day; Tuesday is the surgery; and then comes the recovery. I was thinking I could go ahead and get a turkey breast so I could make pulled turkey for the holidays…and then realized that you can’t really pull turkey apart one-handed. Sigh. I guess it’ll be okay; we don’t really care that much about traditional meals and so forth for holidays. Usually I am not here for Thanksgiving, as I have tended to always drive north for Welcome Colonizers Day, so there’s that, too. Paul had wanted to go visit his mom between the holidays–I still think he should; losing my mom made me realize how critically important it is for him to spend as much time with his as he can before he finds himself motherless as well. He’s also an only child, which makes it even worse. My sister and her kids made my absence from important family days–birthdays, holidays, anniversaries–easier on my parents; he doesn’t have a sibling making up for his absence on those kinds of days for his mother.

Heavy heaving sigh.

I slept super well last night so I feel very rested this morning, which is always a good thing. It’s nice to feel rested by the end of the work week, even if a bit groggy; it’ll feel great to sleep later tomorrow. We have to take Tug back to the vet for a shot tomorrow morning, but that’ll be fine. It’s weird to think I won’t be in the office again for three weeks after today. It’s weird to think I’ll be drugged out and out of it for almost a week. I think there was also some underlying anxiety about getting the teeth before the surgery, too; which has now been alleviated. I’m not sure what today’s weather is going to be like–I’ll check once I finish writing this and have a second cup of coffee for the morning–but I doubt that it’s going to be warm and sunny today. Well, I could wait so I looked and yes, the high today is 69 (which made me giggle a bit because I am always a twelve year old boy at heart) and there’s more chance of rain today. We need the rain–I don’t know if the swamp fire is still burning in the east, but it sure smelled like burning rubber yesterday around the office–because it’s been horrifically dry and drought-ish this year.

I also need to finish off the blatant self-promotion by doing some more of it. It’s not easy, you know, coming up with ideas to promote myself and my books; I find myself fascinating, but I am sure that others aren’t quite as enthusiastic about me as I am about me. I do feel weird having two books as new releases at basically the same time; while I have always been relatively prolific throughout most of my writing career, I’ve never managed to have two novels released so closely to each other. It worries me a bit, as obviously I want people to buy, read, and enjoy both–but getting people to buy read and enjoy one is hard enough without having to compete with myself for the attention and wallet of readers.

So today is the first day in a very long time where I won’t have ice cream as part of my diet–I’m still going to be eating soft food for a while, since I am not just going to throw what’s left away, but I am not going to be buying ice cream for quite some time now–if ever again. I do love it, but having a pint every day for over two months sounds much better than it actually is, in all honesty. I’ve also gotten so out of the habit of grocery shopping for real that I couldn’t quite figure out last night what all was needed when I went to the Carrollton Rouse’s. Tomorrow I can take a better inventory, can clean out some cabinets, and so forth. Tug has also made a mess of my piles of stuff that need to be filed–he keeps zooming around like a pinball and as his paws scrabble over the piles as he careems around, the piles fall to the floor–which means no more piles and I need to be better about filing things right away rather than leaving them out for “when I have more time later.” That’s, as my grandmother used to say, “the devil on my shoulder whispering in my ear.”

I also need to pay the bills since Pay Day is the day after the surgery and I seriously doubt that I’ll be in any condition to do that the morning after, so I need to get it taken care of while I am lucid before hand. Sigh.

And on that note, I am going to get cleaned up and head into the spice mines. May you have a fabulous Thursday, Constant Reader–and I’ll probably be back to annoy you later on.

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