Honky Tonk Memories

Friday morning and in a little bit I’ll be off to see my new primary care physician. I am also having to fast because I am having bloodwork done this morning. I have notes from my surgeon to present to her, and I am actually hopeful that now some of these nagging issues I have might actually get taken care of. My previous doctor was okay, but I never felt like I was more than a number to him; he rarely if ever spent more than four minutes with me, and I also kind of felt like he never really listened to me; he always made me feel that every question or problem I brought to his attention weren’t taken seriously. I am, if anything, the farthest thing from a hypochondriac that possibly could exist; I avoid going to doctors or seeking medical attention more than is absolutely necessary; I’ve always been this way, but now that I am in my sixties I have to be better about things like my health. I never paid attention or cared a whole lot before–primarily because subconsciously I believed I would never live this long–and suddenly find myself in my sixties and desperately needing to change my attitude towards doctors and health care. It’s pretty sad that I am proud of myself for firing my old doctor and getting a new one; I finally got my mouth taken care of this year, and I am getting my biceps injury taken care of finally with the surgery I’ve needed since January. I also got new glasses recently after my annual eye exam (seriously, y’all, if you aren’t getting your glasses from Zenni, what are you thinking?). So yes, kind of cooking with gas as an adult now.

I was very tired yesterday when I got home from work. I was doing fine, but hit a wall around three yesterday afternoon, when I became exhausted and could barely keep my eyes open. I had slept really well–I don’t think I even woke up once during the night–but I get more tired the more the week goes on. I just shake my head sometimes, really. I spent almost my entire life trying to not have a 9 to 5 job that it’s hilarious that I managed to hold it off for most of my life until I reached my sixties. I have long since given up on the idea that we are ever going to return to the clinic hours we used to keep, which would be heavenly. I slept well last night–waking up at just before six, as my body is slowly becoming accustomed to despite my resistance–and feel well rested this morning, but I hate having to fast so no coffee or anything to eat….and of course I am hungry. (I will be taking coffee with me, though, so once the blood has been drawn I am taking a big slug of it.) I will probably run a couple of errands on my way home so as to get them over with and out of the way; and come home to chores and work-at-home duty. I also hope to get some writing done today, too; hope always springs eternal. I never really feel like myself when I am not writing something, or writing every day or working on something; my life is apparently now measured by writing books.

There are worse things.

We watched Ahsoka last night, but it didn’t hold my attention, which was unusual; I didn’t much care for this week’s episode primarily because I don’t much care for the acolyte character whose name I can’t remember who took center stage in this episode. I also think the space whales thing is kind of stupid, too; they really started losing me with that. Space whales live in space and travel in pods and apparently are capable of hyper-jumps into another galaxy. The science of Star Wars has always been a little wonky and required a lot of blind faith and belief to begin with (and I am not a scientist!); belief I was more than willing to suspend and not think about at all..but the space whales kind of blew it for me. How do you know which galaxy they’re going to jump into? Hitching a ride on space whales about to jump into another galaxy seems kind of like a big risk to me since you have no idea where they are going, why they are going there, and if they’re coming back? Yeah, epic fail. which was a shame because I was actually enjoying the show until then. (Apparently now Jedi can somehow exist in space without equipment and can breathe despite the lack of air, too; this was first shown in The Last Jedi, and I never really bought it then, either; I am thinking much more critically about the final trilogy, which I enjoyed at the time but in retrospect, weren’t that good and depended heavily on fan nostalgia.)

And on that note, I need to start getting cleaned up so I can head to my appointment. Wish me luck, Constant Reader, and I will be back later.

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